Re: Package list.

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Well, i don't have a 64 bit processor, so i can't help. But i think the both versions of mslack needs to be synchronized.
Vincent Kergonna wrote:

Hi everyone,

As some of you know we are beginning to work on a x86_64 version of minislack. I have started comparing the version each package between slamd64 and minislack.
What I saw for now is that minislack is more up-to-date than slamd64.
I think that we will need to keep an up-to-date list of packages that comes with minislack (both versions...) and their versions.
Why ? To stay synchronized between minislack 32bits and minislack 64bits!
I my opinion this list should include both "default" packages and extra packages (speaking of the "extra" directory in the repository).
What do you think ?

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