[tf-help] I love your website!

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I'm Gaby from Home Base mom, and I am the editor of the blog.

We have a small Meet-up group for all the local business, and I was wondering if you accept guest posts we could work out some deal - where I can compensate you for an article on your site (www.tuxfamily.org). I'd write the article and everything - send it to you to post, pay you and hopefully maybe do it again if I have any more friends in my MeetUp group that would benefit from a mention on your website.

We're not a marketing company, and we're not very wealthy - but we can pay you something, and you would be giving a small business a chance to survive before all the Amazons and eBays force all everything to close down.

Please get back to me and let me know if you'd be into the idea - it would be a major help!

Thanks a lot for reading!



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