[tf-help] Hello SIr, This Important message for you

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Title: Hello SIr, This Important message for you

Hello Friend,

I want to first appologize for the medium i am using to reach you.  I need a partner that would assist me in re-profiling a huge fund being the proce eds of a project which I personally secured. This is a once in a lifetime deal with no ris k at all.

I am currently the chief Technical product/delivery manager and a director in an Oil servicing / Engineering Co mpany. There is a project that i secured with my influence in the co mpany i work with.

I need someone that will stand as a director and receive a co ntract P ay ment for a project that i carried out Last year December to  ( U S d 3 2 m ill i on) and due to my recent position. I am unable to cl aim this fu nd with my name or anyone close to me. You dont need any experience.

I am unable to handle the aff airs of the com pany becuse of con flict of int erest po licy in the company.

I am w illing to sh are some po rtion of this mo ne y with you for your help. Do Let me know if you are willi ng to handle this task and I will inform you on how we can pro cee d further.

Bruce Walkman

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