RE: [tf-help] Geneweb on WIndows 10 as a service

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Hi, Sylvain.

Thanks for your reply. 

The Yahoo Geneweb Group shut down a couple of years ago, and I really don't find any good access for questions on any Geneweb site.

On the bright side, I tried the 32-bit tools from my server from 2003 on my new 64-bit server; they run,  and the methods work. My genealogy web site appears to be running just fine now.  Appears to be—it's running in a staging  mode right now. 


Bob Ackerman

There is more stupidity than hydrogen in the universe, and it has a longer shelf life.—Frank Zappa

-----Original Message-----
From: Sylvain Rochet <gradator@xxxxxxxxxxxx> 
Sent: Sunday, March 07, 2021 7:12 AM
To: Bob Ackerman <bobackerman42@xxxxxxxxx>
Cc: help@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [tf-help] Geneweb on WIndows 10 as a service

Hi Bob,

On Mon, Mar 01, 2021 at 02:12:59PM -0800, Bob Ackerman wrote:
> Is it possible to install Geneweb on a server running Windows Server 
> 2019 Essentials (really a server version of windows 10)?
> I have been running Geneweb on my website as a service for many years now.
> Aging server hardware, which I can no longer run securely because its 
> basic encryption algorithms aren't supported by my security software 
> any more, has forced me to upgrade. The methods I previously used to 
> install Geneweb as a service seem no longer to work.
> Why WIndows? After working for other software companies, I finished my 
> career with about 20 years at Microsoft.

You should ask the GeneWeb project about that, no one here is going to know :-)


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