Re: [hatari-users] RESET instruction and MFP |
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Le 29/08/2012 22:26, Vincent Rivière a écrit :
Hello. I use Hatari 1.6.2 on Windows. Basically, the RESET assembler instruction does not correctly reset the MFP. Just tested on my real STe: After a RESET instruction, the MFP IERB (0xfffffa09) is reset to 0. But with Hatari, the IERB is unchanged after a RESET instruction, and the MFP interrupts are still enabled. This can lead to wrong behavior in programs which use the RESET instruction (I hit that with EmuTOS). I suppose that the situation is the same with the MFP IERA (0xfffffa07).. This looks like a Hatari bug.
Helloit's true "reset" is not always propagated to all the peripherals right now (I added a few ones for specific cases when needed, but not all of them).
We already have a "MFP_Reset" function, but it's only called on warm/cold hardware reset, not on the reset instruction (in hatari-glue.c customreset() )
I add this to my todo list to check what is required and if no side effect appears.
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