Re: [hatari-devel] Hatari moves to a new home

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Am Mon, 10 Feb 2025 10:25:55 +0100
schrieb Christer Solskogen <christer.solskogen@xxxxxxxxx>:

> Links for my automatic Windows builds are also updated.

Thank you very much for keeping that service alive, Christer, that's very

But since we now have proper CI pipelines for Hatari at Framagit, I wonder
whether it would make sense to build the Windows binary in a CI pipeline
there now? ... we already have a Fedora MiNGW crossbild job that does
compile-testing (which I originally wrote a long time ago for compile
testing on, see e.g.:

If you like, I can try to extend that job now to also build a ZIP file at
the end and release it as artifact of the CI job, so you don't have to
worry about the Windows build service anymore? (I just might need some
help with the additional libraries like CapsLib there)
What do you think?


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