Re: [hatari-devel] Latest WinUAE code

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Le 07/01/2025 à 18:13, Andreas Grabher a écrit :

I saw this latest patch in Hatari, that updates the CPU core to WinUAE state from yesterday. To me it seems that some changes might have been forgotten: <>

There are changes to newcpu.c, debug.c and others inside that commit.


you're right, I saw them, but due to the internal rewrite of Amiga custom chipset emulation some of these changes are adding new "ways" of processing events during a given number of cycles and I want to check first if this will be included in Hatari or not

This would not add any benefit at the moment, as Hatari is not doing cycle accurate emulation of all the chips (as in "update every chip (mfp, ym, fdc, ...) state every 2 cycles), but it could be interesting to include them in a commented way, as a reference to do things in a common way to WinUAE if we ever want to reach this level of cycle precision.

So, I will commit them piece by piece as they need to be manually merged into Hatari (due to too many #ifdef WINUAE_FOR_HATARI differences)


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