Re: [hatari-devel] Softjee's Digital Home Studio compatibility

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Yes, that's the one sorry I didn't give a link.

Btw I have the printed manual (I bought DHS in 1997) and while I don't want to sacrifice the binding, I'd like to share it somehow for anybody who's interested.

Thank you

Le 06/01/2025 à 22:47, Cyprian Konador a écrit :
This one ?

pon., 6 sty 2025, 22:10 użytkownik Eero Tamminen <oak@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> napisał:

On 6.1.2025 22.27, Vincent Barrilliot wrote:
> Dear Hatari list
> Sorry if the question has already been asked, I didn't find the info in
> the compatibility list.
> Do you have info about Digital Home Studio 's compatibility with Hatari ?
> It's a tracker, IMHO one of the finest pieces of software for the Falcon.
> It seems to run ok in Hatari but I can't get any sound to be produced.
> Since other trackers seem to work according to the compatibility list, I
> was wondering how far it is from being functional ?

I've never hear of it.  Do you have link to it?

        - Eero

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