Re: [hatari-devel] Hard drive emulation question

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I'd like to contribute to this thread an idea coming from Anders: if you want to have at least *some* I/O accuracy, use an IDE disk image. In comparison to ACSI  (not to mention GEMDOS HD...) it produces pretty realistic figures (which are of course faster than ACSI due to its direct access to the CPU).

On Fri, 29 Nov 2024 at 10:02, Laurent Sallafranque <laurent.sallafranque@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Hatarians,

I've got a little question about hard drive emulation under Hatari.

When I code a game or a demo which loads data from the hard drive, the
loading speeds varies a lot between my Linux fast PC and my real falcon 
compact  flash memory card (and I guess it would also vary with a real
mechanical hard drive).

Under hatari, it loads nearly instantly.
Under real falcon, there's a few ms to seconds delay before loading is

Would it be possible to introduce a "disk timing" parameter in the
Hatari GUI parameters that would allow to "set virtually" a hard drive
timing access ?

There's no urge in this request, it's just for emulating closer "real
hardware experience".



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