Re: [hatari-devel] NatFeats SCSI Driver, "disk" group membership

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> That seems to be the case also on Debian, but the used group names might 
> differ between distros...

Yes, I agree. I suggest to add a note to the documenation that says that the
user running Hatari must be a member of the group /dev/sg* belongs to.

> > I just tried Hatari on a Pi and wondered why I could not access my USB
> > stick from within the emulation. This was because I was not a member of
> > the "disk group.
> Was that also with Debian (derived) distro, like Rasbian?

Yes, this was with Raspberry Pi OS, which is derived from Debian (bookworm
in my case).

> Btw. If somebody has another distro, could you check what group "ls -ld 
> /dev/s*" reports for the disks?

I'm not sure what you mean. I can only check for the distributions that I
know/use, not for others. But adding a more general note, as indicated above,
should be sufficient.

Best regards


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