Re: [hatari-devel] SCSI Driver logging improvement

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Le 28/11/2024 à 17:36, Uwe Seimet a écrit :

-> is sets status=io_hdr.status when ioctl fails and leaves if to 0 when
it succeeds.

Indeed. This patch and git format-patch is causing me headaches ;-). I will
try again, please see the attachment.

patch applied, I removed the 1st "\n" as this is not the usual style for Log_Printf.

@Eero You recommended to use git format last time. I did, but I don't see
any advantage. Neither my name nor my comment are part of the patch. Can you
please be more precise on the options I should use, and how I can create the
required format without having to locally commit my changes first?

I'll leave this to Eero as I'm not used to providing patch either.

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