Re: [hatari-devel] Enhanced keymap support

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On 15/10/2024 11.52, Yves Le Berre wrote:

Since modifications in keymap.c made by Thomas on 2024-10-12 18:33:21 (GMT)
(commit a22de5759741eaf8c6bf95ff7a0e128d516a11e5), I cannot find a way to
apply enhanced keymap patch series as these modifications are slightly different from those in 0001-Keymap_LoadRemapFile-refactor-rewrite.patch and impact other in series.
I could revert Thomas patch before applying enhanced keymap patch series but 
I'm not
sure if any other changes are planned on keymap.c in a near future and I'm 
not familiar
with git.
In such cases, you basically do this: Have a branch ready with the patches 
based on an upstream commit where they still applied fine. Then:
 git rebase -i master

Remove the first patch from the list (which is already in upstream). Save and close the editor to continue.
Git will complain in other patches that it cannot apply patches cleanly.
Edit the files with the conflicts to solve them, then:

 git add ...filenamesthathavebeenchanged...
 git rebase --continue

And you should finally have a fixed series with one patch less to drag along.

Could you tell if enhanced keymap patch series should be abandoned ?
IMHO yes, I think we should rather try to follow up with the 
SDL_EVENT_TEXT_INPUT idea if we really want to support more character mappings.

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