Re: [hatari-devel] MMU address translation for TT-RAM?

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Le 02/10/2024 à 08:13, Christian Zietz a écrit :
Eero Tamminen schrieb:

Looking further, I noticed that there's no MMU memory bank declared for
TT-RAM, like there's e.g. for ST-RAM:

Does this mean there's no MMU address translation done for TT-RAM?

I think two concepts are mixed up here. The code that you are referring
to here (i.e., STmem_lget_MMU, etc.) handles the potential address
translation by the ST's and STE's MCUs, which only manage ST RAM anyway.

But you are probably interested in address translation by the 68030's
MMU, which is handled inside the CPU emulation.

exactly, Atari unfortunately chose MMU at the time of the ST/STF, which got a different meaning (or at least much more "management" abilities) when included later in more advanced CPU like the 68030.

So, no bank need to be declared for 68030-MMU, this is declared as normal RAM that the MMU can map between a logical and a physical address

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