Re: [hatari-devel] Entering Hatari debugger on ILLEGAL instruction

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Hi Uwe,

On 26.7.2024 19.22, Uwe Seimet wrote:
I may have missed it in the Hatari debugger documentation: Is there any way
to enter the Hatari debugger when the emulation hits the ILLEGAL opcode? Or
is there another way to force the Hatari debugger to be entered when the
emulation hits a particular opcode?

There's a tool for that:
hatari$ tools/debugger/

* m68k instruction information, Hatari debugger breakpoints *
* for them and C-code table for matching them.              *
*                                                           *
* To see instructions, use the TAB key; to see instruction  *
* information, complete it and press Enter. "code" command  *
* shows the C-code, "check" shows potential instruction     *
* conflicts, "help" shows this help and "exit" exits.       *

m68k-instruction: illegal

  illegal - 0100101011111100

Hatari breakpoint:
  b  (pc).w = $4afc

	- Eero

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