[hatari-devel] Some minor changes for sdlgui.c

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Hello all,

I’d like to suggest this patch for Hatari that contains a few refinements:
  • Return object for checkbox and radiobutton. This makes it possible to easily determine which option was checked. I am using this for example for a mixed radiobutton and checkbox list in the GUI (see appended screenshot). If for example NeXTstation and Color are checked and one switches to NeXTcube I can uncheck the Color option. This can be done from switch(but) as for other buttons.
  • As I already suggested in another discussion we should not mix scancodes and symbolic keys. Even if they are likely to match for these keys it introduces an unnecessary source of bugs.
  • On some systems there seem to occur continuous SDL_KEYMAPCHANGED events. To prevent them from messing up GUI handling we should actively ignore them.

Best wishes,

Attachment: hatari.diff
Description: Binary data

PNG image

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