Re: [hatari-devel] DSP long interrupts fix

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Hi Nicolas,

Great, finally, all advises converge and make sense.
So my current patch is OK, and can be improved with conditional jumps.
I haven't encountered any case of JScc interrup yet, I'll have to make a test program for this.

Thanks for the reply.

Le 24/06/2024 à 23:22, Nicolas Pomarède a écrit :
Le 24/06/2024 à 22:40, Laurent Sallafranque a écrit :

I've worked again with long interrupts instruction into the DSP emulation. I exchanged with Tat and Mikro on DHS.NU forum about VOXXX.PRG that doesn't work.
I also exchanged with Andreas from this list.

The question I asked them :
I've got a question about SSI interrupts and stack underflow.

I'm trying to improve the DSP emulation of Hatari.
I'm playing with a program called "VoxxFree" a 16 bands vocoder.

This program is built like this :

SSI interrupts (Send / receive sound)

p:000c jmp p:$02bb
p:000e jmp p:$02bb
p:0010 jmp p:$02c4
p:0012 jmp p:$02c4

p:02bb jclr #3,x:$ffee,p:$02c0
p:02bd movep x:$ffef,x:$0001
p:02bf rti
p:02c0 movep x:$ffef,x:$0002
p:02c2 bset #1,x:$0000
p:02c3 rti

p:02c4 jclr #2,x:$ffee,p:$02c9
p:02c6 movep x:$0003,x:$ffef
p:02c8 rti
p:02c9 movep x:$0004,x:$ffef
p:02cb rti

The Motorola doc describes long interrups generated by the JSR instruction, but Voxx program jumps into the interrupt process with a JMP and not a JSR.
Extract from Motorola doc :
A long interrupt is formed if one of the interrupt instructions fetched is a JSR instruction. The PC is immediately released, the SR and the PC are saved in the stack, and the jump instruction controls where the next instruction is fetched from. While either an unconditional jump or conditional jump can be used to form a long interrupt, they do not store the PC on the stack; therefore, there is no return path.

I've modified the code to let JMP be considered as a JSR instruction in the special interrupt process and this fixes the VOXXX.PRG program.
I haven't noticed any regression.

Both JMP and JSR store the PC on the stack in this special case.
Maybe I should remove the code and save the PC to restore (as it seems to be done into the DSP interrupt logic).
Any advice here ?

Maybe there's a better way to write the emulation code for this special case.
Your comments are welcome.


looking at 8.2.7 in motorola doc, I see :

"Interrupt instruction execution is considered "fast" if neither of the
instructions of the interrupt service routine cause a change of flow.
A JSR within a fast interrupt routine forms a long interrupt, which is
terminated with an RTI instruction to restore the PC and SR from the
stack and return to normal program execution."

My understanding : the doc tells "change of flow", so I think JMP could be considered as such. During prefetch the interrupt will then change from "fast" to "long" and PC/SR will be pushed automatically to the stack not because it's a JSR (else you would return with an rts, not an rti), but because it's a long interrupt.

So I think you should keep current code that pushes SR/PC on the stack, interrupt routine expects it as can be seen at "02fb : rti". If you don't push SR/PC on stack you will likely get a crash in the dsp code when it reaches rti and returns at a random place.

For completeness, maybe other instruction than JMP and JSR should also change to long interrupt mode (JScc for example).


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