Re: [hatari-devel] SDL3

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Am Thu, 9 May 2024 08:37:41 +0200
schrieb Andreas Grabher <andreas_g86@xxxxxxxxxx>:

> Hello all,
> SDL3 is under development and is soon to replace SDL2. Therefore I ported Previous to SDL3. Until SDL3 is in stable condition I will keep the SDL2 port though.
> Porting was quite straight forward but also involved some tricky things. I was able to simplify audio handling quite a bit. On the other hand video handling is a bit strange in my SDL3 port. I might try to further improve this. But anyway everything seems to work properly or even better than with SDL2.
> I appended a patch. It will partially apply to Hatari like for example in sdlgui.c. Other things need to be transferred manually.

Thanks, this will be very helpful when we'll be starting the adaption to
SDL3! (but at least my current plan is to wait 'til SDL3 is available in
the usual Linux distributions before starting to work on converting Hatari
to this new major version of the SDL)


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