Re: [hatari-devel] Hatari 2.5 for Mac OS X

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Andreas Grabher writes:
Nicolas Pomarède wrote:
Francois LE COAT wrote:
The Hatari 2.5 binaries for Mac weren't published so far. I have two
MacIntel, with Mac OS X Mojave 10.14 on my iMac 27" and Mac OS X
Catalina 10.15 on my MacBook Pro 16". Would it be possible to build
Hatari 2.5 for me, on my "old" Mac, with Intel 64bits processors ?
Thanks by advance.

wait for the official announcement, I didn't have time to complete the macOS part yet :)

In the meantime you could use the pre-compiled macOS binary from the downloads page at It should work on any Mac with macOS 10.13 or later.

Ho yes. The 2.5.0 binary snapshot from:


is running very good for me. Many thanks for your advice.

Best regards,

François LE COAT
Author of Eureka 2.12 (2D Graph Describer, 3D Modeller)

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