Re: [hatari-devel] DSP bug found (and maybe solved)

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Le 16/04/2024 à 01:12, Eero Tamminen a écrit :

Btw. of the things not yet checked for release, "L'Abbaye Des Morts" remains.

Its current (v2.3 based) info states:

"Needs FPU. Slower than it should, because Hatari doesn't support Videl 60Hz Falcon emulation yet, only 50Hz. DMA sounds effects are too low volume compared to YM"

I don't have real HW i.e. no comparison point on the speed or volumes...

audio level difference between DMA and YM is a known issue, at least on STE. It should be measured on real HW someday (I have this on my todo list) and hopefully it will be the same on TT.

As for Falcon, maybe DMA and YM have yet another sound level difference, as this is a different HW than STE/TT.


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