[hatari-devel] Regression in Falcon sound

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after all of Nicolas recent Falcon fixes, I'm sorry to report some regressions and some old standing bugs.

1. DUMP v1.71 (DSPMOD) module player + Hyperbased module (or any other module)

- Old bug: When starting a second time, there's old sample data played for a frame or two, VGA+RGB (also present in 2.4.1)
- Old bug: Each time starting the modplayer the left/right channels can be swapped around, VGA+RGB (also present in 2.4.1)
- Regression: Big stuttering in VGA mode after some time (like skipping forward or backwards, the moment when it happen differs each test run (OK in 2..4.1)
- Regression: Same as above in RGB mode, but much more subtle and more often (OK in 2.4.1)

DUMP: https://demozoo.org/productions/95633/
Hyperbased: https://demozoo.org/music/2233/

2. MP2 Audio (direct from RAM playback to avoid any drive streaming issues)

Same problems as with DSPMOD, except I haven't verified the left/right channel mixup.

Test package: http://ae.dhs.nu/tmp/hatari250mp2test.zip  
(music from New Beats "That time of the year" demo). Set machine to 14 MB so it can fit the file in RAM.

Hatari version:
INFO : Hatari v2.5.0-devel (Mar 29 2024), compiled on:  Mar 29 2024, 01:39:05

Host system: macOS 13.6.5, ARM64 (M1)

Double checked against a real Falcon (RGB+VGA) and none of these problems appear there.

Anders Eriksson

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