Re: [hatari-devel] Load/Save configuration in hatariui

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Am Sat, 27 Jan 2024 09:20:20 +0100
schrieb Nicolas Pomarède <npomarede@xxxxxxxxxxxx>:

> Le 27/01/2024 à 08:43, Yves Le Berre a écrit :
> > Hello,
> > 
> > When saving configuration after change in hatariui
> > then a reload of this configuration fails.
> > This seems related to [RS232] section.
> > 
> > 
> > Section [RS232] rewritten by hatariui in ~/.config/hatari/hatari.cfg 
> > cannot be reloaded
> > 
> > [RS232]
> > bEnableRS232 = FALSE
> > szOutFileName = /dev/modem
> > szInFileName = /dev/modem
> > EnableSccA = FALSE
> > SccAOutFileName = /dev/modem
> > SccAInFileName = /dev/modem
> > EnableSccALan = FALSE
> > SccALanOutFileName = /dev/modem
> > SccALanInFileName = /dev/modem
> > EnableSccB = FALSE
> > SccBOutFileName = /dev/modem
> > SccBInFileName = /dev/modem
> > 
> > 
> > Section [RS232] modified by hand in ~/.config/hatari/hatari.cfg can be 
> > reloaded
> > 
> > [RS232]
> > bEnableRS232 = FALSE
> > szOutFileName = /dev/modem
> > szInFileName = /dev/modem
> > bEnableSccA = FALSE
> > sSccAOutFileName = /dev/modem
> > sSccAInFileName = /dev/modem
> > bEnableSccALan = FALSE
> > sSccALanOutFileName = /dev/modem
> > sSccALanInFileName = /dev/modem
> > bEnableSccB = FALSE
> > sSccBOutFileName = /dev/modem
> > sSccBInFileName = /dev/modem  
> Hi
> this is strange, looks like you're not using the latest hatari devel 
> version.
> Are you compiling yourself from a recent "git pull" ?

I think Yves talks about the python-ui which likely needs some adjustment
now, too:

$ grep -ri scc ./python-ui/ 
    "EnableSccA": "Bool",
    "SccAOutFileName": "String",
    "SccAInFileName": "String",
    "EnableSccALan": "Bool",
    "SccALanOutFileName": "String",
    "SccALanInFileName": "String",
    "EnableSccB": "Bool",
    "SccBOutFileName": "String",
    "SccBInFileName": "String",

Eero, could maybe have a look?


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