Re: [hatari-devel] macOS build on x86_64 broken?

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Am Sat, 6 Jan 2024 11:05:19 +0100
schrieb Frank Danapfel <frank.danapfel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:

> Hello,
> I’m building my own versions of Hatari locally (since I want a version without portmidi) on an Intel iMac running macOS 13.6.3 with Xcode 15..1 using the following sequence of commands in the terminal:
> % cd Source/hatari
> % git pull
> % cd build
> % cmake ..
> % cmake --build .
> (the source repo was originally cloned with % git clone and the required libraries have been installed via homebrew (% brew install sdl2 libpng make tidy-html5 imagemagick capstone))
> Until recently (around December 15) this worked without issues, but now the build fails with the following errors:
> [ 26%] Building C object src/cpu/CMakeFiles/UaeCpu.dir/memory.c.o
> In file included from /Users/frank/Source/hatari/src/cpu/memory.c:15:
> In file included from /usr/local/Cellar/sdl2/2.28.5/include/SDL2/SDL.h:38:
> In file included from /usr/local/Cellar/sdl2/2.28.5/include/SDL2/SDL_cpuinfo.h:111:
> /Applications/ error: "This header is only meant to be used on x86 and x64 architecture"
> #error "This header is only meant to be used on x86 and x64 architecture"

 Hi Frank,

this sounds like your SDL library can not deal with universal binaries?
Hatari now defaults to building universal binaries, so if your SDL is not
capable of that, you might want to try to switch it off again. Try:


to configure your sources instead of running "cmake .." - I hope that will
fix the issue for you.


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