Re: [hatari-devel] 68040/060 MMU bug fix

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Le 29/12/2023 à 15:25, Andreas Grabher a écrit :

The complexity of interrupt code in WinUAE is very high due to handling lots of different CPUs and emulation modes. This increases the chance to mess things up unintentionally. There is interrupt code in lots of places using SPCFLAG_INT, SPCFLAG_DOINT, regs.ipl[0], regs,ipl[1], regs.ipl[2], ipl_pin, ipl_pin_p, do_interrupt(), check_interrupt(), ipl_fetch_xxx(), doint(), checkint(), m68k_interrupt_delay, m68k_accurate_ipl … just to name a few.

Is there a chance this will be cleaned up a bit which would also improve performance?


toni will certainly elaborate more on this, but in the case of the 68000 having cycle accurate emulation of the micro code unfortunately imply to have sometimes a lot of variables just to emulate a very particular behaviour.

for example, deciding which value of the hardware ipl pins is sampled to decide at which stage an opcode will be interrupted in case of a change in IPL is really tricky. That's why  the ipl[] array is needed because you need to keep an history of the IPL values during the previous cycle as well as at what cycles the IPL changed

This variable are also there to help improving perfomance : if you disable m68k_accurate_ipl or m68k_interrupt_delay you will have a less cycle accurate but slightly faster emulation , which can good enough for 68030 (which is not cycle accurate emulated anyway)

But I agree dealing with all those variables and function can be difficult when you're trying to follow the code :)


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