Re: [hatari-devel] from cirrus-ci

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> Am 20.12.2023 um 07:46 schrieb Thomas Huth <th.huth@xxxxxxxxx>:
> Am Tue, 19 Dec 2023 18:58:22 +0100
> schrieb Andreas Grabher <andreas_g86@xxxxxxxxxx>:
> ...
>> I just tried compiling libpng from the command line and it indeed fails to compile a universal binary. Probably there is a bug in their CMakeLists.txt. Anyway I did successfully create one using Xcode. Maybe just use that one until they fix it. Should I send it to you? I think it is too early to drop support for Intel Macs. There are lots of them still around and running the latest OS.
> Thanks for your offer! But I think I finally found a way (by luck) to
> compile an universal libpng framework on the command line, too: You have to
> specify CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES as "arm64;x86_64" and not as "x86_64;arm64"
> ... don't ask me why!
> I then also had an explicit codesign lign for the png.framework, too, and
> now it seems to successfully build an universal for macOS >=
> v10.13 :
> Thomas
That is good news! It seems they do some weird things with the architecture string in their CMakeLists. 
This finally works really great. The application bundle is correctly signed and no pre-requisites are necessary to run it on any Mac. 

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