Re: [hatari-devel] DSP patch suggestion

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> Am 14.12.2023 um 11:04 schrieb Nicolas Pomarède <npomarede@xxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> Le 10/12/2023 à 22:49, Andreas Grabher a écrit :
>> May I suggest another patch?
>> The appended patch removes some constants that are kind of duplicate. It also makes readout of access_to_ext_memory a bit more safe (in case someone changes to values of the constants).
>> Furthermore it cleans access_to_ext_memory handling a bit. This might be slightly slower (1 << variable instead of 1 <<  constant) but saves quite some code. On the other hand it replaces "address += DSP_RAMSIZE>>1" with "address |= DSP_RAMSIZE>>1" which might be a bit faster unless the compiler already detected the optimisation potential (and makes more sense when thinking about what real hardware does).
>> You might want to apply the whole patch or parts of it.
> Hi
> looking at the patch, I don't think it will have a noticeable impact on performance, I applied the whole of it.
> Nicolas
Thank you for the message. I also think the impact on performance is minimal to zero.

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