Re: [hatari-devel] from cirrus-ci (was: Re: One scanline short in ST fullscreen) |
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On Samstag, 28. Oktober 2023 16:41:33 CEST Chris Jenkins wrote:
> maybe I can repeat what you did and thenfigure out what needs to be done in
> order to script it in Cirrus CI.
If the project file that he build manually can be put in the git repo (which may require to put the png sources there too, to be sure they match), then something like
xcodebuild -derivedDataPath "$OUT" -project libpng.xcodeproj -configuration Release -scheme Build -quiet
should do.
But i find
o Copy the framework to /Library/Frameworks and make sure no other versions
�����of libpng are installed (if applicable remove macports version of libpng)
troublesome. Would be better to copy the framework to the Hatari bundle, not to some system directory. That is required anyway when you build the final release dmg file, when you copy it to /Library/Frameworks it will not be part of it and thus not be installed for the user.
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