[hatari-devel] Terrorize your soul

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I've tested the falcon demo terrorize our soul 3 times :

- 1) with MMU enabled and  activated.
      The demo runned from beginning to the end without any problem.
      There was sound during the whole demo
      No glitch or bug seen

- 2) Without MMU
     - the demo starts well, but I lost the sound in the middle of the demo and got some DSP illegal instructions.

- 3) with MMU enabled and  activated  (again, just to confirm my first test).
      The demo runned from beginning to the end without any problem.

At least, in case 1 and 3, the demo seems top work perfectly.
Eero, can you confirm this ?

In general, in the compatibility list, there are some demos/games that are marked not to work with MMU, but I've tested some of them and it seemed to work (except motion from aggression).


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