Re: [hatari-devel] 68030 and movem

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> Am 18.09.2023 um 10:16 schrieb Nicolas Pomarède <npomarede@xxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> Le 18/09/2023 à 10:05, Andreas Grabher a écrit :
>>>> Am 17.09.2023 um 12:16 schrieb Andreas Grabher <andreas_g86@xxxxxxxxxx>:
>>>> Am 17.09.2023 um 12:08 schrieb Thorsten Otto <admin@xxxxxxxxxxx>:
>>>> On Sonntag, 17. September 2023 11:37:38 CEST Andreas Grabher wrote:
>>>> > It might as well mean size of one single transfer, which might be word or
>>>> > long.
>>>> Yes, this is actually the case.  See <> in answer from agranlund, where i also wondered about which size was meant.
>>> Thank you! Then please ignore my first patch.
>> From my point of view the patch that was added yesterday to the repository adds unnecessary overhead to variants of MOVEM that are not affected by the special case.
> Hi
> these are the changes from WinUAE :
> do you mean the ones that use "int predec = 0;" ? If so they should be optimized by the compiler.
> Nicolas
That is likely. But why do we add code just to optimize it away afterwards? At least it is bad for readability. 

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