Re: [hatari-devel] New SCC 85C30 support for MegaSTE/TT/Falcon

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On 5.9.2023 18.30, Thorsten Otto wrote:
On Montag, 4. September 2023 22:45:07 CEST Nicolas Pomarède wrote:
Does someone know some programs that will use the SCC for serial

I know that Connect (a terminal program) could use all serial devices.

If so, does it still work ?

Hard to test. For this you probably have to connect it to a real serial port
of your pc. Guess there are hardly any PCs nowadays with a serial interface ;)
Also the SCC can use much higher baudrates as a usual serial device can

One test could be connecting two Hatari processes with FIFOs for serial input/output, like this:

And running Connect in each instance. They should be able to communicate with each other, right? Maybe also send files across the connection?

	- Eero

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