[hatari-devel] Sync byte on Falcon

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I always thought that bit 1 of the sync byte (0xff820a) on the Falcon had the 
same meaning as on the ST etc: a 1 bit means PAL (50Hz sync), a zero bit means 
NTSC (60Hz sync).  But Hatari 2.3.0 disagrees: it always sets the 1 bit unless 
a monochrome monitor (71Hz sync) is connected.

If that's really the way the hardware works, I'm extremely puzzled that Atari 
defined a PAL/NTSC bit in the video modes settable for RGB/TV, and that TOS4 
writes 0x02 to the sync byte (indicating 50Hz sync) for an RGB screen when the 
PAL/NTSC bit in the mode set to 1; and 0x00 to the sync byte (indicating 60Hz 
sync) for an RGB screen with the PAL/NTSC bit in the mode set to 0.

This seems like a bug to me.  If so, is it fixed in a later release?


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