Thank you for the explanation. I think I now understand where the theory comes from.
So rather than being a voltage source, you treat the YM as a variable resistor, which connected with C10 forms a lowpass filter whose cutoff changes with that variation. This does explain why the effect would not by in my LTSpice simulation attempt, since I was looking at the circuit, and treating the YM as a simple voltage input source. I had just used the 0.96V to 1.35V range listed in its datasheet.
So OK, I can follow that reasoning based on this assumption about the YM's output.
Note this model doesn't change the pull-up filter coefficients for
> the many different pull-up resistances. Instead it simply accounts
> for 1000 ohm pull-down, and a single lower resistance pull-up.
This feels like a large omission to me. Shouldn't we expect a different resistance at each level of the YM output then? We have 3 channels each with 32 levels. The approximation with only 2 steps seems like it should be valid for 1 square wave at 1 specific level, but the difference should be weaker at a lower amplitude, and stronger at a higher one. With 3 channels playing music, the levels will be rising and falling continually between many intermediate levels as the waveforms interact.
What is the 2 step approximation's point of reference? Is it for 1 square at full volume?
I'm not sure what the impact of this omission should be, but in the future I'll try to simulate the difference to investigate. I think the disparity in the results must be due to more than just this, but it could be a significant factor..
There are more mailing lists here:
I have looked through these, but did not find further discussion about this that wasn't also present on the newer archive. If there is something specific there which you think is pertinent could you point it out?
Note that you should use an oscilloscope across R8 to see the correct waveforms.
OK. I will write a test program soon that's easier to speak of more objectively than the music recordings I've given. The result should be measurable from the audio output without having to go inside the machine, which I'll try first, but I will eventually open up my ST and use an oscilloscope to see what I can verify too.
Could you comment on the sound differences in the recordings I have made? The harmonic difference between the filters and my STF recording is _very_ strong, and it's the whole reason I'm investigating this. (Anders' STE and Falcon recordings demonstrate this too.)
-- Brad Smith