Re: [hatari-devel] Joystick buttons config and sdl gui patches

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Excellent, thanks Eero.  Thanks also for the authors credit - it's
nice to be able to contribute to something!



On Mon, 7 Aug 2023 at 13:51, Eero Tamminen <oak@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'll split your minro changes from patch 4 to your and my earlier
> patches, and push everything to repo.
> (I have few other changes on top of them now, so it's better to be in sync.)
>         - Eero
> On 7.8.2023 15.30, Robin Sergeant wrote:
> > On Mon, 7 Aug 2023 at 09:58, Eero Tamminen <oak@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >>
> >> Hi Robin,
> >>
> >> Patches look fine for me too, but GUI needs descriptions for the buttons.
> >>
> >> Attached patch adds that, generalizes mapping handling a bit by using
> >> array instead of separate variables, and notes the change in docs
> >> (manual not yet updated).
> >>
> >> Does it work OK for you?
> >>
> >>
> >>          - Eero
> >>
> >> On 30.7.2023 11.46, Robin Sergeant wrote:
> >>> Hi,
> >>>
> >>> Please find the attached patches.  The first just adds the config as
> >>> before, but with checks to allow for undefined buttons (with negative
> >>> indexes).
> >>>
> >>> The second adds a "Remap joystick buttons" button to the sdl joystick
> >>> dialog.  This behaves like the existing "Define keys" button.  The
> >>> user is guided to press each of the 3 buttons, but can also press the
> >>> ESC key for none (which results in a value of -1 being stored and the
> >>> button being ignored).   The dialog looks like this:
> >>>
> >>> --------------------------------
> >>> Press joystick button 1
> >>> or ESC for none...
> >>>
> >>> (was: id 3)
> >>> --------------------------------
> >>>
> >>> And then after pressing button 0 (but before releasing):
> >>>
> >>> --------------------------------
> >>> Press joystick button 1
> >>> or ESC for none...
> >>>
> >>> (now: id 0)
> >>> --------------------------------
> >>>
> >>> So as I said, basically consistent with how "Define keys" currently works.
> >>>
> >>> Does this look ok, and can the patches be included?  Obviously happy
> >>> to make any further tweaks or change the UI etc.  I should probably
> >>> have sent the proposal first, but I got carried away with the coding
> >>> and wanted to figure out how the dialogs worked :-)
> >>>
> >>> Any feedback welcome!
> >>>
> >>> Cheers,
> >>>
> >>> Robin.
> >
> > Hi Eero,
> >
> > Super, thank you.  I like the button descriptions, makes it much more
> > user friendly.  I've just made a few last tweaks in a new patch (see
> > last attachment):
> >
> > - I've changed the widths so they match the lengths of the fixed
> > length strings.  Not really important, but it helps to show that
> > things are centered when looking at the table.
> >
> > - I've added another condition to stop ESC key repeats being handled.
> > While trying to break it I noticed that if you hold ESC before opening
> > the dialog SDL keeps generating KEYDOWN events!  Nobody would ever
> > actually do that, but still I think only handling the first KEYDOWN is
> > logical.
> >
> > - I've made your names array static as I think that might reduce stack
> > usage.  Although these days the compiler probably generates the same
> > code!  Also reduced the scope of the counter variable at the same
> > time.
> >
> > Hope that's all ok.  To help others I am attaching all  5 patches in
> > order to this email.  Patch 0004 is from Eero, and 0005 is hopefully
> > the last!
> >
> > Many thanks,
> >
> > Robin.

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