Re: [hatari-devel] Max amount of GEMDOS HD file handles?

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On 1.8.2023 10.32, Thorsten Otto wrote:
On Montag, 31. Juli 2023 22:08:45 CEST Eero Tamminen wrote:
To be safe, the GEMDOS handles *should* start at 81 or higher.

You have to be careful with such high numbers. For example, the Pure-C IDE
internally uses pseudo-handles >= 100 to access files in the cache, and
handles >= 200 to access files in the editor. Returning handles from GEMDOS
that fall into that region will certainly break the IDE (this is of course a
somewhat clumsy implementation in Pure-C, not a bug in Hatari).

Thanks, that could explain why GEMDOS HD handles were limited to 32, as 99-64 = 35 i.e. very close.

older Pure-C versions (i'm using 1.1 from 1993) use even lower internal
numbers (IIRC there has even be a patch in Hatari to compensate for that).

I tried to find that from Git but failed.  Do you have a pointer to it?

	- Eero

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