Re: [hatari-devel] CD-ROM support?

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Roger Burrows schrieb:

I noticed that there is provision for CD-ROM support on the IDE bus in the
source code (I looked at 2.3.0), though none in the GUI.  I tried to get it
working by manually altering the config file, but to no avail, so I aasume it
is not supported.

Interesting. I always assumed that the CD-ROM code was only a "remnant"
of Hatari re-using QEMU's IDE code and that this functionality was not
exposed at all to Hatari. But it even seems to be partly functional.
When I set "nDeviceType0 = 1" in Hatari's config file, then load
HDDRIVER and ExtenDOS, I get them to at least recognize the emulated
CD-ROM drive. See screenshots.

However actually accessing the contents of the ISO image fails with an
error message by Hatari: "ERROR: IDE FIXME: cdrom_read_toc not implemented".

Christian Zietz  -  CHZ-Soft  -  czietz@xxxxxxx
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