Re: [hatari-devel] SozobonX symbol table format

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On 9.5.2023 10.55, Thorsten Otto wrote:
i just found that SozobonX does not seem to use the flags for marking long
names (0x0048) to extend symbol names to 22 character, but rather absolute
symbols with flags of 0xa200 and a value of $87654321 to extend the name of
the previous entry (actually a more clever approach, since this would also
work with linkers that do not understand long names, and allows extending
names to arbirary size, not imposing another limit of 22 characters).

Is there any demand on supporting such symbol tables? If so, i could try
prepare a patch for it.

As we discussed in Atari-forum e.g. Holger Weets (author of ST-GUIDE, some GEM games etc) used SozobonX a lot.

I do not think any of his programs in the FTP sites came with debug symbols though...

I would also assume that nobody is using SozobonX anymore, as there are some better options nowadays.

I.e. are there any existing SozobonX binaries with symbols?

	- Eero

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