Re: [hatari-devel] DSP issue on M1 Mac (not happening on x86_64) |
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- To: hatari-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: Re: [hatari-devel] DSP issue on M1 Mac (not happening on x86_64)
- From: Andreas Grabher <andreas_g86@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Wed, 28 Dec 2022 15:02:07 +0100
- Dkim-signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=1a1hai; t=1672236145; bh=1S39bo+ZMaRjsCGECINQZE6SEKLpww6NRiPiVAsTplg=; h=From:Content-Type:Mime-Version:Subject:Date:To:Message-Id; b=ayj5R6eFtlIQrKyW7NmO3QiQn2txVRim6F//GVcgm/D2Y2ybyGeLrlMTUsOVgmuYj zR8NMaYdq8QECw2IfoidZIeI8TmCRzapshzAmQJF0ogX0DYmgdzbBS4+7FfHMk/5ZN CH13RkE/gFF4FOgYOZ0Xmp+QnSimDxyb8nUelJJrmBtm1QsgVnuZzHoVydUiIOXO5e fEcmHL/JqE14uj5rqJLr5C5uZimjwE68YOSW5qMZsCiKlQxg9ogzslm0ffUsSalNlk TrUkhkp2HzZvkJoz93wu2+g5Ase2SCq4ATOyu033zI81Ah+7UMlF2dK9lX9uz0gJIW xun5B65yl5onA==
> Am 28.12.2022 um 14:54 schrieb Nicolas Pomarède <npomarede@xxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> Le 28/12/2022 à 14:49, Andreas Grabher a écrit :
>> Hello all,
>> this issue affects Previous, but because Previous shares most of its DSP simulation with Hatari (with minor additions like DMA) it might also affect Hatari. In some DSP music demo I am getting a cracking noise when running on an M1 Mac. Running on an x86_64 Mac there very same demo does not suffer from that noise.
>> Did someone experience a similar issue using Hatari on an M1 Mac? Does someone have an idea where to start searching the bug?
>> Best wishes,
>> Andreas
> Hi
> can't tell if there're some cracking noises under Hatari recently.
> but the DSP / crossbar part uses some floating point variables to mix the different frequencies into the final audio stream. If there's not enough precision this can give bad rounding and artefacts in the sound.
> Maybe M1 mac has different precision for float/double ?
Only the DSP core is used (dsp_core.c, dsp_cpu.c and dsp_disasm.c). As far as I can tell they do not use any floating point numbers.