[hatari-devel] errors ?

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For information
I use HATARI in Mega-ste Mode with Emutos512k,  disk GEMDOS  C D E F,  VDI 800 x 600 ( MacBook Pro, intel core i7 2.9 GHz  16 GB of ram. Mac OS Ventura ).
I'm trying to finish with PURE_C a program abandoned in 1993. I have 4 resource editors. INTERFACE and RSM364 works well, but the other 2 refuse to save the editing result on GEMDOS disks, but agree to save these results on a blank floppy disk. Very curious !

RS30 successively gives me the following two errors when I "save as..." in a GEMDOS partition.

Capture d’écran 2022-11-24 à 21.58.56.png

Capture d’écran 2022-11-24 à 22.00.04.png

WERCS gives me this error when I "save as..." in a GEMDOS partition.

Capture d’écran 2022-11-24 à 22.07.52.png

M et Y Saro
Méaudre:  04 76 94 79 32
Seyssinet: 04 76 21 61 02
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