Re: [hatari-devel] ikbd overrun when using midi (Bad Mood for Falcon)

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On 12.11.2022 0.28, Nicolas Pomarède wrote:
that's because MIDI IRQ is only changed when MIDI output is enabled and some bytes are received/sent.

Both ACIAs for IKBD and MIDI have their IRQ line connected to the same GPIP4 pin on the MFP. This means that if any of the 2 ACIAs request an IRQ, then IRQ should be set at the GPIP4 side. On the opposite, IRQ should be cleared on GPIP4 if both ACIAs have their IRQ clear.

There was a bug in Hatari : if one of the 2 ACIAs cleared its IRQ, then it cleared the IRQ on GPIP4, instead of checking if IRQ was still set on the other ACIA and keeping IRQ set on GPIP4 :(

This would definitely create some problems when IKBD and MIDI bytes are sent/received at the same time.

This could be the reason for Bad Mood's loss of IKBD bytes, but also for MidiMaze not working after a while.

Eero, can you check if there's any improvement for these 2 cases ?

Thanks, BM seems to be working fine now!

I'll test MidiMaze later (could go to next week).

	- Eero

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