Re: [hatari-devel] Invisible dialogs

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On 10/10/2022 11.32, Andreas Grabher wrote:
Hello all,

I have issues with the SDL GUI in Previous. Previous shares the SDL GUI code with Hatari but has a different way to draw the screen. Therefore I’m not sure if Hatari is also affected from this bug, but maybe someone has experienced a similar issue:

When opening an options dialog in the SDL GUI sometimes the dialog does not get drawn while the GUI elements are still usable. This means the GUI still reacts to clicks and keyboard input but is invisible.

Anyone has an idea what might be wrong? All I can say is that the bug is somehow timing related because adding delays in certain positions changes the behavior.

The only time I've ever seen something like this was years ago when Hatari still tried to use the DOUBLEBUFFER feature from SDL 1.2 ... but I've never seens something like this with SDL2, so sorry, no clue what might be wrong here.


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