Re: [hatari-devel] DSP "running" on non-falcon

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Le 29/07/2022 à 14:01, Thorsten Otto a écrit :
On Freitag, 29. Juli 2022 00:43:18 CEST Eero Tamminen wrote:

 > In that case I guess TOS check should be done first, and initializing

 > everything else after that.

For EmuTOS that would not work. EmuTOS (at least the 512k/1024k roms) are not tied to a particular machine type. So i think the machine type should be the first one to be taken into account.

I think we must follow the same order that on real HW :

- machine is switched on -> you know which machine type it is (based on option or config file)

- depending on machine type, HW components are known ; we should call an "_Init()" function for each of them (for example RAM_Init (based on amount of ram in config file), CPU_Init, Sound_Init, Blitter_Init, ...) The _Init functions should allocate internal buffers if needed, set some variables and so on. An _Init function should not depend on some other _Init functions results, else we can get some different result depending on which order we call all the _Init functions

- then all/most HW components receive a reset signal -> you start from a "clean" state (some HW might not have a reset pin, but at least they often have a known state at power up). Similar to "_Init" function, we call a "_Reset()" function for each one.
Same as _Init, _Reset should not depend from other _Reset functions

 - then cpu boots, tos starts

When machine type changes, we should call some "_UnInit()" functions for each component, then apply new machine type and start from above.

At the moment, some components are a little "fuzzy" between Init and Reset, sometimes mixing both in a single function.

But eventually we should have _Init, _UnInit and _Reset call for all components. I think we're not too far from that and it doesn't prevent Hatari from working in the meantime.


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