Re: [hatari-devel] Addsub Falcon game

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On 20.2.2022 11.36, Laurent Sallafranque wrote:
I've tested addsub game.

I don't understand how it plays, but I've disabled all my joysticks in the Hatari GUI.

Taking number with player's own color seems to increase the score, and taking wrong color decreasing it. Because players move in different directions, one can force things the other player to take wrong color later in game.

I can play it without crash or desktop return.

Player 2 seems to play with upper/lower arrows to move vertically and space to activate a cell

Player 1 seems to play with Z and C keys to move horizontally and space to activate a cell

Thanks! I had forgotten about your mail, but happily I found it before release, so I could verify this + update doc. :-)

	- Eero

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