Re: [hatari-devel] Hatari startup freeze regression with 030 MMU + EmuTOS + non-VDI screen

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On 31.5.2022 11.17, Nicolas Pomarède wrote:
this is now fixed ; I tested Falcon or TT in CE mode with or without MMU and everything runs correctly now.

There was an error when updating cycles during the STOP state which altered the internal timers in cycInt ; unlike WinUAE Hatari has 2 different cases to count cycles depending on whether the cpu runs in cycle exact mode or not and the check for MMU was not correct there (eventually this 2 ways of counting cycles (dating from old UAE core) will go away one day to have more common logic with WinUAE)


I ran all the previous TOS-boot test combinations plus some extra, and everything seems fine one.

Of these thousands of combos (running through the night), these failed on first run:
* tos102us-st-vdi1-floppy-14M-0TTRAM-cpuexactoff
* tos205de-megaste-mono-floppy-14M-0TTRAM-cpuexactoff

But I was not able to reproduce the fails today, so I guess we can ignore them.

	- Eero

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