Re: [hatari-devel] Deadlock while closing serial port

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Thomas Huth schrieb:

(I'm not sure whether the RS232 stuff works on Windows at all anymore,
so that maybe wouldn't be a big loss anyway).

It is indeed almost non-functional under Windows when used with actual
serial ports. Apparently (but I did not investigate further) you seem to
open the port exclusively; and thus the same port cannot be used as
input and output. For example...

hatari.exe --rs232-in com4 --rs232-out com4

.... leads to "Failed to open input file [...] RS232 input or output file
open failed. RS232 support disabled."

Also, the functions to set bit rate, number of data bits, etc. rely on
functions from termios.h, which do not exist under Windows. Hence, the
Atari side cannot control the serial port parameters.

The only thing I have used Hatari's serial port support for under
Windows is logging debug output from a program that puts it on the
serial port, like so:

hatari.exe --rs232-in nul --rs232-out log.txt

Otherwise, if someone requires serial port support under Windows, sadly
the best suggestion I can give is to use Steem.

Christian Zietz  -  CHZ-Soft  -  czietz@xxxxxxx
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