Re: [hatari-devel] Compiling Hatari under Cygwin

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On Mon, 10 Jan 2022 at 15:04, Thomas Huth wrote:

CHECK_C_COMPILER_FLAG is only testing the compiler flag - but the error
here looks like an issue during linking ... so maybe that's the
reason why the check is not working as expected here?

> but you can try to try to force :
> unset(ENABLE_ASAN 1) after these lines, this way it should not use
> the ASAN part later in the cmake file.

ENABLE_ASAN is set to 0 by default, so I'm a little bit surprised that
this is causing trouble here ... did you enable it by accident? If so,
setting it to 0 should fix the issue, hopefully.


nothing was modified by me. I just grabbed "hatari-2.3.1.tar.bz2" from the Hatari website, unpacked and and follow "3.2) Configuring and compiling" from readme.txt

ok, I'll try again on a clean setup



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