[hatari-devel] Emulation crashing with TOS 2.06

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I just noticed that the emulated Atari crashes with a double bus/address
error after the memory test with the attached config with TOS 2.06. When
changing to a different ST/STE TOS version everything is fine. I downloaded
a fresh ROM image in order to ensure that mine is not broken, but nothing
I cannot see anything wrong with the attached configuration that would
prevent TOS 2.06 from running. Any idea? I'm probably missing the obvious.

By the way, it would be nice if there was an additional button in the double
bus/address error screen, so that you could directly go to the main
configuration menu.

Best regards

sLogFileName = stderr
sTraceFileName = stderr
nTextLogLevel = 4
nAlertDlgLogLevel = 1
bConfirmQuit = FALSE
bNatFeats = TRUE
bConsoleWindow = FALSE

nNumberBase = 10
nSymbolLines = -1
nMemdumpLines = 8
nDisasmLines = 8
nBacktraceLines = 0
nExceptionDebugMask = 515
nDisasmOptions = 15
bDisasmUAE = FALSE
bSymbolsAutoLoad = TRUE
bMatchAllSymbols = FALSE

nMonitorType = 0
nFrameSkips = 0
bFullScreen = FALSE
bKeepResolution = FALSE
bResizable = TRUE
bAllowOverscan = FALSE
nSpec512Threshold = 16
nForceBpp = 0
bAspectCorrect = TRUE
bUseExtVdiResolutions = TRUE
nVdiWidth = 640
nVdiHeight = 400
nVdiColors = 0
bMouseWarp = TRUE
bShowStatusbar = FALSE
bShowDriveLed = FALSE
bCrop = FALSE
bForceMax = FALSE
nMaxWidth = 832
nMaxHeight = 576
nZoomFactor = 1
bUseSdlRenderer = TRUE
bUseVsync = FALSE

nJoystickMode = 0
bEnableAutoFire = FALSE
bEnableJumpOnFire2 = FALSE
nJoyId = 1
kUp = Up
kDown = Down
kLeft = Left
kRight = Right
kFire = Right Ctrl

nJoystickMode = 0
bEnableAutoFire = FALSE
bEnableJumpOnFire2 = FALSE
nJoyId = 0
kUp = Up
kDown = Down
kLeft = Left
kRight = Right
kFire = Right Ctrl

nJoystickMode = 0
bEnableAutoFire = FALSE
bEnableJumpOnFire2 = FALSE
nJoyId = 2
kUp = Up
kDown = Down
kLeft = Left
kRight = Right
kFire = Right Ctrl

nJoystickMode = 0
bEnableAutoFire = FALSE
bEnableJumpOnFire2 = FALSE
nJoyId = 3
kUp = Up
kDown = Down
kLeft = Left
kRight = Right
kFire = Right Ctrl

nJoystickMode = 0
bEnableAutoFire = FALSE
bEnableJumpOnFire2 = FALSE
nJoyId = 4
kUp = Up
kDown = Down
kLeft = Left
kRight = Right
kFire = Right Ctrl

nJoystickMode = 0
bEnableAutoFire = FALSE
bEnableJumpOnFire2 = FALSE
nJoyId = 5
kUp = Up
kDown = Down
kLeft = Left
kRight = Right
kFire = Right Ctrl

bDisableKeyRepeat = TRUE
nKeymapType = 1
nKbdLayout = -1
nLanguage = -1
szMappingFileName =

kOptions = O
kFullScreen = F
kBorders = B
kMouseMode = M
kColdReset = C
kWarmReset = R
kScreenShot = G
kBossKey = I
kCursorEmu = J
kFastForward = X
kRecAnim = A
kRecSound = Y
kSound = S
kPause =
kDebugger = Pause
kQuit = Q
kLoadMem = L
kSaveMem = K
kInsertDiskA = D
kSwitchJoy0 = F1
kSwitchJoy1 = F2
kSwitchPadA = F3
kSwitchPadB = F4

kOptions = F12
kFullScreen = F11
kBorders =
kMouseMode =
kColdReset =
kWarmReset =
kScreenShot =
kBossKey =
kCursorEmu =
kFastForward =
kRecAnim =
kRecSound =
kSound =
kPause = Pause
kDebugger =
kQuit =
kLoadMem =
kSaveMem =
kInsertDiskA =
kSwitchJoy0 =
kSwitchJoy1 =
kSwitchPadA =
kSwitchPadB =

bEnableMicrophone = TRUE
bEnableSound = FALSE
bEnableSoundSync = FALSE
nPlaybackFreq = 44100
nSdlAudioBufferSize = 0
szYMCaptureFileName = /home/us/hatari.wav
YmVolumeMixing = 2

nMemorySize = 14336
nTTRamSize = 0
bAutoSave = FALSE
szMemoryCaptureFileName = /home/us/.hatari/hatari.sav
szAutoSaveFileName = /home/us/.hatari/auto.sav

bAutoInsertDiskB = TRUE
FastFloppy = FALSE
EnableDriveA = FALSE
DriveA_NumberOfHeads = 2
EnableDriveB = FALSE
DriveB_NumberOfHeads = 2
nWriteProtection = 0
szDiskAZipPath =
szDiskAFileName =
szDiskBZipPath =
szDiskBFileName =
szDiskImageDirectory = /home/us/

nGemdosDrive = 0
bBootFromHardDisk = TRUE
bUseHardDiskDirectory = FALSE
szHardDiskDirectory = /home/us/TT
nGemdosCase = 0
nWriteProtection = 0
bFilenameConversion = FALSE
bGemdosHostTime = FALSE

bUseDevice0 = FALSE
sDeviceFile0 = /home/us/hatari/acsi.hds
nBlockSize0 = 512
bUseDevice1 = FALSE
sDeviceFile1 = /home/us/hatari/aranym.hds
nBlockSize1 = 512
bUseDevice2 = FALSE
sDeviceFile2 = /home/us/hatari/win.hds
nBlockSize2 = 512
bUseDevice3 = FALSE
sDeviceFile3 = /home/us/TT/D/HDDRUTIL
nBlockSize3 = 512
bUseDevice4 = FALSE
sDeviceFile4 = /home/us/TT/D/HDDRUTIL
nBlockSize4 = 512
bUseDevice5 = FALSE
sDeviceFile5 = /home/us/TT/D/HDDRUTIL
nBlockSize5 = 512
bUseDevice6 = FALSE
sDeviceFile6 = /home/us/TT/D/HDDRUTIL
nBlockSize6 = 512
bUseDevice7 = FALSE
sDeviceFile7 = /home/us/TT/D/HDDRUTIL
nBlockSize7 = 512

bUseDevice0 = FALSE
sDeviceFile0 = /home/us/hatari/hatari
nBlockSize0 = 512
bUseDevice1 = FALSE
sDeviceFile1 = /home/us/hatari/hatari
nBlockSize1 = 512
bUseDevice2 = FALSE
sDeviceFile2 = /home/us/hatari/hatari
nBlockSize2 = 512
bUseDevice3 = FALSE
sDeviceFile3 = /home/us/hatari/hatari
nBlockSize3 = 512
bUseDevice4 = FALSE
sDeviceFile4 = /home/us/hatari/hatari
nBlockSize4 = 512
bUseDevice5 = FALSE
sDeviceFile5 = /home/us/hatari/hatari
nBlockSize5 = 512
bUseDevice6 = FALSE
sDeviceFile6 = /home/us/hatari/hatari
nBlockSize6 = 512
bUseDevice7 = FALSE
sDeviceFile7 = /home/us
nBlockSize7 = 512

bUseDevice0 = FALSE
nByteSwap0 = 0
sDeviceFile0 = /home/us/hatari/master.hds
nBlockSize0 = 512
nDeviceType0 = 0
bUseDevice1 = FALSE
nByteSwap1 = 0
sDeviceFile1 = /home/us/hatari/slave.hds
nBlockSize1 = 512
nDeviceType1 = 0

szTosImageFileName = /opt/atari/tos206de.img
bPatchTos = TRUE
szCartridgeImageFileName =

Args = root=/dev/ram video=atafb:vga16 load_ramdisk=1
Kernel = /home/us/hatari/hatari/share/hatari/vmlinuz
Symbols =
Ramdisk = /home/us/hatari/hatari/share/hatari/initrd
HaltOnReboot = TRUE
KernelToFastRam = TRUE
RamdiskToFastRam = TRUE

bEnableRS232 = FALSE
szOutFileName = /dev/modem
szInFileName = /dev/modem
bEnableSccB = FALSE
sSccBOutFileName = /dev/modem

bEnablePrinting = FALSE
szPrintToFileName = /home/us/hatari/prn.out

bEnableMidi = FALSE
sMidiInFileName = /dev/snd/midiC1D0
sMidiOutFileName = /dev/snd/midiC1D0
sMidiInPortName = Off
sMidiOutPortName = Off

nCpuLevel = 0
nCpuFreq = 32
bCompatibleCpu = FALSE
nModelType = 0
bBlitter = FALSE
nDSPType = 0
nVMEType = 1
bPatchTimerD = TRUE
bFastBoot = TRUE
bFastForward = FALSE
bAddressSpace24 = TRUE
bCycleExactCpu = FALSE
n_FPUType = 0
bSoftFloatFPU = FALSE
VideoTiming = 3

AviRecordVcodec = 2
AviRecordFps = 0
AviRecordFile = /home/us/test/hatari/hatari.avi

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