i found a small bug, in the keymap function, but i can't coding.
touch key_empty.map
Activate the key map file in Hatari GUI Config Keyboard
so the Scancode 48 send allways same as the Scancode 46, so is no
translation by keymapfile
key down: sym=1073741824 scan=46 mod=0x1000 name=''
key map: sym=0x40000000 to ST-scan=0x0d
key up: sym=1073741824 scan=46 mod=0x1000 name=''
key down: sym=1073741824 scan=48 mod=0x1000 name=''
key map: sym=0x40000000 to ST-scan=0x0d
key up: sym=1073741824 scan=48 mod=0x1000 name=''