Re: [hatari-devel] Debugger question

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Le 23/10/2021 à 18:12, Roger Burrows a écrit :
I'm trying to debug an EmuTOS issue (as usual).  I want to dump a big range of
memory to a file for subsequent examination.  I know I can do this by
redirecting ALL stderr output to a file when I start Hatari, but then I can't
see what I'm doing.  I guess I could dump it to the console then copy that to a
file, but that seems very clunky to me (and also I might run out of space if I
dumped e.g. 4MB).  Is there any other way?  I would like to be able to switch
the output file from the debugger prompt, but that doesn't seem possible.


I see what you mean, even if in my case I usually dump everything to a file by using ">" when starting hatari, you can do it later from the debugger with the "o" (setopt) command :

o --trace-file /tmp/log

should redirect all stderr printfs to /tmp/log

using the "o" command, you can pass any (most ?) of the flags that you can give as parameters when starting hatari.


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