Re: [hatari-devel] Keyboard scancode table inconsistencies

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Am Sun, 10 Oct 2021 02:05:23 +0300
schrieb Eero Tamminen <oak@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:

> Hi,
> I looked at the issue reported by Thorsten:
> And noticed that of the three tables involved in
> handling key input, all had slightly differing
> sizes and according to Thorsten the smaller ones
> are too small for all the keys that actually need
> to be interpreted.
> Attached is patch to make them all the same size.
> Any objections / ideas why they were not the same size?

That patch/idea is certainly not right. You're mixing up the SDL scan
codes with the Atari scan codes here, that's two completely different
number spaces. "y" with scan code "0x79" is certainly an SDL scan code,
on the Atari side, the "y" key normally has scan code 0x15 instead
(unless you're on a German keyboard, where it is 0x2c, I think).

If you want to help to improve keyboard mapping, you should likely
rather help to get these patches here into a better shape:

Not sure whether this will help with the problem from the reporter on, too, though.


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