Re: [hatari-devel] Bcc target address in debugger

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On 29.8.2021 23.39, Miro Kropáček wrote:
I've been playing with Hatari's debugger for the past few days and I don't
get one thing. Why does it always show $0000000 as the target address? Like

CPU=$1889a, VBL=972, FrameCycles=565296, HBL=276, LineCycles=48, DSP=N/A
0001889A 66fa                     BNE.B #$fa == $00000000 (T)

There wasn't a single case where I'd see something else. The T/F indicator
works, the jump itself works, I just don't understand that that zero is
supposed to mean. Latest Hatari, nothing strange, just stepping the code.

I think either Toni or Nicolas need to answer this...

	- Eero

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