Re: [hatari-devel] Possible bug in 060 exception stack frames

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>> (=stack frame was messed up if test code run in supervisor
>> mode and an was a7)
> The test itself runs in user mode. Also, that instruction must generate
> an exception for "unimplemented integer instruction", not the usual
> "illegal instruction".

Then there is must be some other reason because WinUAE (in
"unimplemented instruction" 68060 mode) code generates unimplemented
instruction exception (61) and AmigaOS 68060 support library (which is
also based on Motorola FPSP) emulates this instruction correctly.

MULU.L should never generate illegal instruction except if CPU is
68000/010 or if 68020+ and addressing mode is invalid.

Does it work if addressing mode is not -(a7)?

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